Rally Obedience is a form of dog obedience with a twist – a total focus on fun and excitement for the dog, handler, and spectator. Dog and handler teams follow a set course, performing the exercise indicated by 10-20 consecutive signs. Signs are numbered to indicate the course the handler and dog take during the performance and instruct the team to perform a specific, simple obedience exercise.
The course is timed and the team that completes the course with the best performance and fastest time wins. All others who complete the course in reasonable time earn qualifying ribbons toward an AKC Rally Title.
There is a lot of variety with each rally course, and rally is different than obedience because handlers may talk to their dogs, praise them, and give them needed verbal commands. Handlers can even use hand signals, point, and, in Novice and Advanced, clap and snap their fingers at any time and as often as the handler needs. It isn’t just allowed, but encouraged, making this a really fun sport.
Our experienced Rally instructors will teach you the ins and outs of this sport. You’ll learn the exercises, how to negotiate a course, and how to prepare for and enter the world of Rally competition.
Check the class schedule or call (509) 574-4008 for our Rally Obedience classes.